Thursday, November 5, 2015

Securing Borders

The Abu Sayyaf terrorist group has kidnapped foreigners again and this is a continued embarrassment to the PH. They asking for one billion pesos ransom in exchange for the prisoners. Come on. How can we let these guys bully the tourists? The Abu Sayyaf has faster speedboats than the local coastguard. So what is the solution? You acquire the fastest speedboats.

You guys played the game Plants and Zombies yes? The picture above is an overkill but this is somewhat my style. Gatling gun peas at the left end followed by the double sun and repeater guns and the safety pumpkins and thorns. Alternatively is frozen pea shooters for the fire. You occupy the territories so that these terrorists have no place to operate.

As you know, the strategy of occupying territories is written in the Art of War by Sun Tzu. Occupying territories is better than focusing to be strong in one area. The collective mind of the multitude is greater than the thinking of a select few brilliant individuals. I'm not saying you follow Sun Tzu because he had platoons of concubines. Imagine that. Because you meet all kinds of people, you should filter the good practices from the bad.

From a country, we zoom to a province. The governor's foremost duty is to take care of the its borders. When the insurgency problem is too much for the local police, then the governor asks assistance from the military and the NBI detectives. Same goes for the mayors and councilors.

Then we go the communities where the Barangay Captain is the leader. We have Tanods or Watchmen patrolling the streets especially at night. When the violence is too much, the Barangay Captain asks assistance from the police, the councilors and the mayors.

And at your house, you protect it with locks, high walls and motion detectors. When there is violence, you ask for the help of the Watchmen and the police.

So if the Abu Sayyaf problem is cannot be contained by the PH is we ask the assistance of the United Nations. There is no shame in asking for help if you need help.

Now every country has territorial space, before you enter it you communicate with the coast guards of the foreign country. That is why the need for coast guards to modernize and have lighthouses to know what is going on. Because you supposed to know all the things happening in the country. I know that we delegate duties to officials but you should know all the details so that any signs of problem, you can step in anytime. As it should be.

Any contentions are up to the United Nations to decide because we live in peace time. Who wants war anyway? The Golden Age can only be achieved with peacefulness. Why? Classes are suspended when there are strong typhoons.

Now there is a problem with illegal fishing that sometimes results in shootouts. This can be avoided with educating both parties responsible. The countries should educate the fishermen to not go beyond their borders. And the coastguard should have more tolerance especially to unarmed fishermen.

As you can see, the Peashooters win because they move as a collective unit with sound strategy and divergent pieces against the disorganized zombies. The zombies are disorganized cause they are hungrily scampering for the brains.

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