Friday, November 20, 2015

Calling Names

Hey Guys, have you met people with funny names? I had a boss named Mr. Pee. He is Malaysian and I would think it not so funny to him and the people there because English is his third language, knowing Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia. For me, it makes me chuckle because pee is funny. I would think its funniest to natural english speakers. If not, they have no sense of humor. Then I had a Project Manager named Chang Fok Kwek. Don't you think the Chinese have the funniest names or what?

I am contemplating where park originates, is it English or Korean? What does Ped Xing means to you? Sounds chinese right? Its actually an abbreviation of Pedestrian Crossing. Why are citizens of the USA called Americans while the rest of the countries in North and South America are known from their country names? Christopher Columbus was said to be the discoverer of America but they are named after Amerigo Vespucci. Its a funny name if you ask me. In the same line as a Pokemon. I see the point in not bothering to change the names like the Philippines was colonized by Spain and named it Las Islas Filipinas. We did not bothered to rename the country. Why? I would think its a hassle.

I know that the USA is the United States of America okay? My point is are you also from the North and South Americas? What of Australia is an island country and continent is more united.

Its because good people unite. Homeless people and lack of toilets is not a monopoly of India, we also have that problem here and I would guess in all countries with varying degree. So we not here to diss people, we are here to find a solution.

I've been around the far-flung provinces here in the Luzon island and the urban jungle of Metro Manila. Urinating rarely is a problem for me because I find places and ways to urinate. I would search for gas stations, mini-grocery stores, shopping malls, restaurants, government offices and private compounds and buildings. If you haven't got these structures, its time the government officials, businessmen and entrepreneurs build your countries, towns and communities.

Its healthy for the town to have parks and have public toilets in it. One of the best parks I have seen is there is a lake inside it because its romantic and you can go fishing.

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