Friday, November 13, 2015

Single Mother

Hey Guys, might as well share this to you, especially to single mothers. I courted a single mother before. I met her in driving school when I was a yuppie. Since it was a night school and my classmates are fond of videoke, we would go to the bar and sing, they sing. Play billiards and stroll around until past midnight. We also go to each other's houses. We both know we were attracted to each other so I would walk her home. Sometimes alone, sometimes with friends. So one time, I met her father and he was impolite. He even kicked the thrash can and cursed the cat. I thought that was odd.

To make the story short is she became sour after the incident. Her close friend was asking if I love children. Then she was implying that she already has a son from an affair in college. The one she called her nephew when I was there. The realization hit me that night and I was unable to sleep. I had little sleep that week. I walked her last time and she said I find a better woman than her. I just nodded.

Thing is you do not hide if you are a single mother. This is the worst thing that you do. I'm not saying you be proud of it but be proud of your child/children. We make mistakes is all. We just progress from it.

Its just fair that the man knows what he is going into.

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