Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Worthwhile Campaigns

Hi Guys, I just like to give my view on the campaigning of people. They protest on the authorities so they are complaining. Like there are college students whose likes to protest against piracy. I think that students should complain about their concerns about their universities first before they start to meddle with the affairs of the grown-ups.

What are the university student concerns? Its that there are not enough dormitories for them so the students have to look for their dwelling place instead of readying themselves to the study grind. Security inside the campus is another concern because the squatter's area is around the perimeter of the schools that once in a while there are crimes reported. You also do not underestimate the health concerns that clogged gutters and sewers can infect because it causes dengue fever and the like. Same for the street food. How about drug dealing? Is there student prostitution? Bullying? Fraternity and org pressure?

Worthwhile campaigns can also be simple as lending of calculators and T-square for engineering students although I understand that Autocad is being taught at the universities now. So why not have computers provided for students so that they can learn computer programs for free. Not all students are wealthy so this is a big help for them.

Now there are student-musicians around so they are the ones more appropriate to launch protests against piracy. Not students who are still finding their way. Protest if you are directly involved.

So students must take care of their studies first. When you have you have your studies in control then that is the time you look for extra-curricular activities.

Now the Administrators, the media and their alumni should act on these problems because you have the power to act on these clear and present dangers for the students. Make your universities and schools have the best conditions and atmosphere for learning.

How is your course curriculum compared against international standards? Do you have the technology? Are you well-equipped with teaching facilities, tools and equipment? How about the instructors? Do you feel the need to import foreign instructors? If you think you should then you should.

Are you very sad? I disappoint you maybe? Whether you be disappointed or not, it is important that you be tested as a coach and as a student. Participate, do not be contented on watching other people become better. Be the Coach. Be the student. It does not matter what race you belong to because we are all black people.

The Race Equations

Brown + Yellow = Yellow
Brown + White = White
Brown + Black = Black
Yellow + White = White
Yellow + Black = Black
White + Black = Black

I was thinking about the idea of a common ancestor. The earliest civilizations in history originated from Mesopotamia, Egypt and India. They are black people. With the migration, the skin color evolved according to location, weather conditions, customs and traditions to the White, Yellow and Brown races.

So when there is interracial marriage, the recessive genes appear. We are all black people.

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