Saturday, November 7, 2015

Tomato Planting for Beginners

Hello Guys. This is the life story of tomato plants. Photos and ideas taken from This guy is the expert.

The tomato seedlings are sowed in small containers of mulch so that they are easily detached and transplanted to individual cups where they mature. Then they are ready to be planted at raised bed gardens. The wire cage supports the growing plants and protects them from animals, people and forces of nature. They get nutrients from the soil, the sun, the water and the fertilizers designed for fruiting. You take extra care in pruning and spraying of insecticides.

It is the same for families. Parents should train and discipline their children to be independent at a young age. You also teach them good manners and right conduct to prepare them into growing up. You put them in dormitories and boarding houses so they can further develop as individuals but be sure they are protected from any trace of danger. You remind them of discipline and lessons in life so they can be fruitful citizens when they become adults.

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