Friday, November 6, 2015

Urban Planning

Hello People, what is your definition of urban planning and development? Let us say you have a dream house, what are the components and its functions? Say we come from the outside, you have steel gates, a garage, workshop room, a yard, a garden, laundry space, living room, dining room, kitchen, staircase, bedrooms, entertainment center, library, office space and toilets. So definitely there has to be zoning so that a city can function.

Right now the status in my place is a cluttered zone and functions where commercial space is at the main roads and as you move away you find residential areas. The schools has commercial spaces bordering it and again, farther away are the residences.

I would think that the concept of living in condominiums is quite new to the PH because we tend to live with the family. I know that the western philosophy is that individuals live independently upon legal age. While here, generally speaking, we only move out when we marry. Thus the thinking that we have a close-knit family when it leads to dependency. And that living independently means that you do not love your folks. I think parents here should stop babying their children.

Living independently is freedom. You can have breakfast in bed occasionally, or anywhere inside the house but the dining area and the kitchen is the place designed for it. Its because you clean the crumbs right after you dine because the ants are an aggressive species.

The customary practice with families in the provinces is after high school, they send their children for higher learning in Metro Manila schools and have them live in dormitories and boarding spaces. But still there are the natives who have ancestral houses in the Metro because it is designed to be a residential area. Thing is the population has ballooned to 12 million.

I think we should plan and demolish residential houses if necessary so that a city will be organized according to its planned functions. Have the olds relocated to the provinces, the air is better for them there. The youngins should stay in condominiums so that they become independent. That is if the government has the vision to plan a thriving city and has the teeth to implement it.

Okay here's the deal, we have to decongest the city so the retirees have to be back to the provinces because let's face it, what is their business being here if they are retired? Do you see the point? No I am not being insensitive about this but just being organized.

So next step would be that kids of legal age move away from their parent's house so they can be more productive cause parents hold you back and you hold back your parents when you are not working.  The best arrangement is that families make an ancestral house in the suburbs or in the countryside so you can get together there on the weekends.

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