Monday, November 16, 2015


Hey People, I had a glimpse of the Media Center for the APEC Summit 2015 and after entering what you see is a Massage parlor. My first thought is do you go to the office to have massage? I mean how lame is this? When I go to the office is I want to finish my work as early as possible so I do not want any distraction. Move the parlor to the end. Its because the massage should be a reward after a hard day's work. Your work will be compromised because massage tickles your feet and your muscles feel good. After a while your body becomes sore that all you want is to sleep.

Let's talk about security because these are world leaders and their staff we talking about. What I suggest is they think what a terrorist would do in this situation. We are talking about reverse engineering. They gonna hold meetings at the CCP Complex, which is a spacious place going to the PICC, the convention center that terrorists cannot attack directly because there are gonna be layers of perimeter tripwires. Terrorist can use stealth which means checking on the staff and the helpers.

I would use a diversionary tactic. The Mall of Asia is near the place which means hundreds of people. It is easy to cause chaos there that the security in the PICC will be distracted or even displaced. In Patriot Games, Jack Ryan and the police were fooled by the terrorists with vendetta on him because he killed their pals. The terrorists posed as an Electrical Crew which installs transformers on the subdivision in which the Ryan family lives. Which means they are not unwanted or not uncommon that the law did not suspected them because they are an actual licensed Electrical Crew so its a smooth and well executed plan.

I know this is fiction and that fiction influences real life. Just the same that real life influences fiction.

"Return to Innocence" is a song by German musical group Enigma. The Amis chant was sampled from the Taiwan aboriginal group Ami's "Jubilant Drinking Song" (Sapiliepah a Radiw in Amis). The Amis are indigenous people of Taiwan.

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