Sunday, November 8, 2015

This and That?

Hey Guys, today is I wanna help you decide on how to spend your money wisely because you do not want to lose your savings and become a poor man. People lose their money on drugs addiction, gambling, shopping and material things.

Let us say that you want something so bad, you ask yourself if it is necessary and if you have the budget.

When it is not necessary and you have no budget, then you have to get over it cause it saves you time and resources that you concentrate on something else.

When it is not necessary and you have the budget, then this is now a luxury because its extra money. When your luxury is jewelry or something recyclable it is not too bad because you can go to the pawn stars or you can sell it when it hits your brain that you want something more meaningful than jewelry and stuff. The predicament for some people is when they are luxurious in something that is combustible. You cannot get it back cause it will be gone forever. Don't be a fool.

Food, clothing, shelter, security and transport is not luxury when not in excess. There are places and situations that you need a car just as you wear perfume in occasions because fragrance is a welcoming sign. Who doesn't want to smell good? You also spend for music, entertainment and relaxation to feed your soul.

When it is necessary and you do not have a budget, then you have to work for it. If you are a student, then you study hard for what you want. If are working, then you have to learn, train and keep practicing for it.

When it is necessary and you have the budget, then congrats cause you earned it.

Its because you build a lasting legacy with meaningful activities. Notoriety makes you famous as well so its your choice. A Singaporean for example spends his life savings on a quest to send the first Singaporean Astronaut into space.

I was planning to buy a DSLR camera because photography interests me so I had an extensive research about it. Its a choice between the Canon and the Nikon brands because they are far well known in this field than the Sony, Olympus and Fuji. I learned the default DSLR comes in the kit lens. So I learned about lenses - wide angle lens, the macro and micro zoom lenses. I have to study shutter speed, aperture and the ISO. And to shoot photos of the moon is you have to have tele-photo lenses. Maaaaan! In short, I was not able to buy it. Its because it was not a necessity and I have no budget.

However, the Point and Shoot or Phone camera can do the work because composition is the most important part in a photo. They say the first rule in photography is the one-thirds rule which means you divide the image you see into 3 parts horizontally and vertically. Where the lines intersect is where you put your subject. Makes for drama I guess.

I was wondering whether this has connection with our writing and reading. Because some languages are written from top to bottom and from left to right. And some written from right to left. Is there a language written from bottom to top?

So for myself that I write from top to bottom and left to right, my attention will be focused on the upper left corner going to the right. And for some, their attention would be on the upper right corner going to the left.

Its that the East Asians who also know English can write both directions.

Family is the most meaningful legacy you can make. A man and a woman makes father and mother to their kids. A man and a woman marry because they fit.

Now for homosexuals, you cannot have same-sex relationships because it does not fit. If you are a man, would you hire a plumber to bake cakes for you? If you are a woman, would you hire a hairdresser to do your carpentry work? Absolutely not. You won't be at peace with their work because this will send you in prison. My advice is to take care of your old folks, siblings, friends and relatives. Give yourself to scholarly pursuits and social service. They are the next best things to build a meaningful legacy. Let's get real okay? In a basketball game, there are starters and there is the bench mob. We just have to accept our roles so that we can be at peace with ourselves because there are star players and role-players. I'm not saying that all of you be contended with riding the pine. You have to practice and practice so when the coach observes that you are ready, you get to start the game.

I think that Iverson was pressured to say things he doesn't want to say. Because that is what the press do to people. Look, he says he missed only one practice in the season so he must know how important practice is. That is why you have to be mentally sharp to get rid of the stage fright. To be a good speaker is to talk with coordination. So you practice how to speak. Pressure also makes you do things you do not want to do. I read from somewhere that before you react is that you count 1,2,3. Breath, so you can take it all in. Try it. 

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