Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is giving thanks. Damn we need holidays like this in the PH because we have a lot to be thankful for. From me to you, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

From what I get from social media, Thanksgiving is a time for reflection, like Christmas, Easter and New Year's Day. You guys are overthinking. This is your day-off that is why you have time with your family. Imagine Thanksgiving is a working holiday, chances are you will not enjoy it that much because you will be tired from work and will have no time to rest and to be together with family.

So be thankful that you have a family to share the holidays with. If you do not have a family, you're nuts. Okay you are an orphan. Celebrate with friends and neighbors because they are closer than relatives who lives in far off places. Strive to have a family of your own by being independent and have a stable career and finances.

Its because when you have the finances then you can enjoy the holidays or else you are working overtime to make ends meet. You buy gifts and presents with the money. Guys what the hell is going that everyone seems to be on hover board. Amazing.

Hey guys, when you carpool, think of safety first because there are hitchhikers who are serial killers. Car pooling is advised because according to a PH survey, the average number of people inside the car is said to be less than 2 persons so there are seats available for friends.

I wanna thank myself because I do not carpool.

As you know detectives are human beings who are limited in capacity and resources so they do not know what all of the clues are all about. What a detective does in this case is to bully the suspect endlessly.

Thank you detectives.

Breaking Bad is trending again at number one for no reason that its Thanksgiving. Give thanks that you do not lose a tight brother like Combo because of drug dealing. His death haunted Jesse, Skinny Pete and Badger up to the end.

I have a lost a friend like Combo but we are not into harmful drugs. You just remember the good times you have shared, like I never beat this guy in NBA Live, that kind of thing.

Give thanks that you are not like Jesse who lost his girlfriend because of drug overdose and a user-friendly Walter Sr. who could have called for 911 to save the girl.

Why is it that we have no Thanksgiving holiday in the PH when we copy everything from abroad? Its a nice tradition to emulate aside from Christmas, New Year's Day and Easter. I cannot celebrate it on my own because I need to celebrate it with people. Am I that crazy to celebrate on my own? No. Its because holidays unite people.

Today I had my butt kicked. Like shit. I am thankful for tomorrow.

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