Sunday, November 22, 2015


Private schools have what you call as "Immersion" when they have field trips, social activities or as simple as riding a jeepney. Its because these students are the rich kids thsheltered from the outside world so to speak. How do I know this? I have read this from social media. So immersion can be physical and in spirit. I think the good practices we have to experience in the spiritual and physical.

Breaking Bad is immersion into the world of harmful drugs. We do not have to experience dealing with it in real life. Its unhealthy and its gets badder and badder. Because of necessity, Walter Sr. entered the drug business. He gets to kill people so that he can stay afloat.

In the same way that we immerse the impoverished people in the world, show them the good things in life through visits, social media, television and videos that they can see hope to better themselves and their family.

These are films about lawyers that I know, the first two are the tweetums romcoms and the Rainmaker is kind of like Erin Brockovich, only more serious.

Guys, if you want to make a difference, study the law. I know lawyering is not for all people but at least know something about the law cause it helps you knowing what are your rights and other people's rights.

Babies have the right to be babies. They cry because they are separated from the mother's umbilical cord from which the baby feels warmth, care and comfort aside from the nutrients they get. So the rights of babies is to be given back food, cloth and shelter. They are to be loved. What babies should realize is that the separation is for their own good. The baby thinks that being inside the womb is forever but it is not. Cause if the baby stays there more than it should, then both the baby and the mother will be in danger for their lives. You have to explain this to the baby okay? How you say? Of course in a way the baby understands the Closing Cycles.

Children have the right to be children. They will still cry because they still wanted to be babied but you should tell them that being a baby is not forever. Because if the children stays to behave like a baby the children's growth and learning will stagnate. The parents will be affected when the children grows up to be lazy, spoiled and dependent adolescents. Children are allowed to play, learn and have small responsibilities like taking care of a pet and helping in light house chores. Parents meanwhile should teach them the values that they can understand and when is the right time to play, learn and help. You encourage them to talk and express themselves. You do not whip them physically but you can scold them for discipline.

Adolescents have the right to be adolescents. They also cry because they wanted to be babies, children and adults. Adolescents should still play but more emphasis on the learning and physical work because their mind and body is conditioned for it. This to prepare them for adulthood who are fully grown in body and soul.

Adults have the right to be adults. Adults are fully grown learned individuals who have careers so they are ready for a serious relationship. If you are not learned and/or you do not have careers, you are not fully grown. You are learned when you know the true meaning of the laws. Grow up people. Men should chase women. And women should wait for the right time to be chased. Homosexuals are not to marry. No complaining guys because you are under the law. Actually when you have malicious thoughts when you get to puberty or adolescence is you are already under the law because you are not innocent anymore.

The elderly has elderly rights. That is why there are laws for senior citizens to have discounts and convenience because their physical body is not the same anymore. So save for old age. Their minds are like adults so they can still learn, teach and discipline people.

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