Friday, November 27, 2015


Hey Guys, the sunshine is beneficial up to 10 in the morning. After that you stay cover and use caps and umbrellas that is when the harmful rays are at the highest. So if your work requires you to be under the sun, you must protect your skin. I wear the sleeves for my arms when I worked in the airport road construction. In sports and activities, you use sleeves, jackets and you apply sun block lotion and creams, just ask around for those that contains safe chemicals. Its not being vain for women and its not girly for men to use sun block because its for your protection.

The ozone layer is composed of ozones (O3) which means its a compound that contains three molecules of oxygen. Oxygen is the air we breathe so the main consumers of oxygen are people. The more the population, the more it consumes oxygen. I have the basic knowledge in chemistry but I would think that this also causes the thinning of the ozone layer because O3 breaks down into oxygen. 

So the need to produce more oxygen. The trees, plants and the greens manufacture carbon dioxide into oxygen. Carbon dioxide is what we exhale so what the greens produce should be proportional to the population. This is not a new idea, we just have to intensify the green revolution.

France decrees new rooftops must be covered in plants or solar panels.

All new buildings in commercial zones across the country must comply with new environmental legislation.

Rooftops on new buildings built in commercial zones in France must either be partially covered in plants or solar panels, under a law approved on Thursday.

Green roofs have an isolating effect, helping reduce the amount of energy needed to heat a building in winter and cool it in summer.

They also retain rainwater, thus helping reduce problems with runoff, while favouring biodiversity and giving birds a place to nest in the urban jungle, ecologists say.

The law approved by parliament was more limited in scope than initial calls by French environmental activists to make green roofs that cover the entire surface mandatory on all new buildings.

The Socialist government convinced activists to limit the scope of the law to commercial buildings.

The law was also made less onerous for businesses by requiring only part of the roof to be covered with plants, and giving them the choice of installing solar panels to generate electricity instead.

Green roofs are popular in Germany and Australia, and Canada’s city of Toronto adopted a by-law in 2009 mandating them in industrial and residential buildings.

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