Sunday, November 15, 2015

Healthy Law

Under the Reproductive Health (RH) bill which was enacted into the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act in 2012, the government sought to hold back population growth by giving families greater access to methods of contraception, fertility control, sex education, and maternal care. The widespread distribution of family planning devices such as condoms and birth control pills was strongly opposed by the Church. To this day, the RH bill remains a matter of bitter contention between the government and the Church.

Most educated people prefer fewer children in my observation because their career and fruitful activities keeps them busy. Say one to three children. I have no problem with four children though. What is important is that they be given the loving care. I am against contraception and condom because it is not natural and foreign material to your body. The uneducated think of sex all the time that is why they keep reproducing. We have to stop the uneducated to multiply because what is the future of the world with uneducated people as leaders?

We have to educate the uneducated so that they will understand the meaningful purpose in life. We educate them, the population will naturally be controlled.

Where it is peaceful, the leaders are educated. Where there is chaos, there are uneducated leaders. That is why we make sure that peace reigns all over.

Uneducated means incompetent, irresponsible, negligent, wicked, lazy or sick.

Say when you are a child, you cannot take care of yourself because you are not developed mentally and physically. When you are in your prime, you take care of yourself because you should. You can. Thing is although you are capable of taking care of yourself, why is it that you are still dependent? Its because you are incompetent, irresponsible, negligent, wicked, lazy or sick.

The parents support their child/children. For the incompetent, irresponsible, wicked and lazy, you have to change your ways. You have to study, understand your duties and just take off. Sometimes all you need is a push. The sick has to be rehabbed and repaired.

You are Optimus Prime. And you are also Megatron. Because you are your own worst enemy.

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