Monday, November 9, 2015

Cherish The Love

Good Evening Guys, for me this is one of the most amazing scenes ever. I was drawn to the music and the screenplay is well-thought of. Gives me the goosebumps. Don't judge me!

You know, the wreckage slowly comes to life - the hallways, passage-ways and people coming into light. Waiting for Rose at the top of the stairs is Jack. They kiss. What I mean is that a film needs an amazing highlight to an amazing story. Because otherwise your film is commonplace. The secret to making box-office hits is that it has to be a love story and has an amazing soundtrack.

The Titanic was a passenger liner that sank in the Atlantic in its maiden voyage in the 1900s, the largest ship at that time. The sub-zero temperature has altered the properties of the steel plates of the ship so it was brittle when it hit the iceberg.

In steel construction, this is why bolts and nuts are preferred over welding because of safety concerns that the heat in welding alters the properties of the steel.

Its like the cartilage in the knee being applied with ice packs.

Jack only existed in Rose's mind cause they have no pictures together.

I would think we have a selective memory but you cannot command the brain what to remember so it depends on the intensity. It is on the subconscious. In college, I can still remember the names of my grade school classmates, almost all of them. Right now, there are several people that comes to mind although I was reminded of them because of social media. People also remind you about the things that happened to you.

Like when I was young as five years old, my folks say that I walked near a monkey on chains and it pulled me in tight embrace and wouldn't let me go. It took the collective effort of my uncles, aunts and relatives to separate me from the monkey. The monkey probably thought I was an offspring. I do not remember any of it.

I read that we start to remember things at seven years old. So if you say you can remember things when you are younger than seven then you are a good specimen for research.

I remember all my pets and their names. The oldest I can remember was we had a dog named Whitie because he is white. I had a guinea pig with irregular color patterns who I named Ranger. I had a dog named Brownie because she was brown. I had a mongrel cat with irregular color patterns that I named Cute. We had a couple of Persian cats named OJ and Sam. And my pet now is a Siamese cat named Tobey.

Thing is live television is always better than recorded. Its why we watch the hourly news, the daily news and the evening news. It is why people look at their timelines and walls of the social media. It is why we watch films that are Now Showing. It is why we progress from the past, cherish the now and look forward to the future.


1: a naive girl or young woman
2: the stage role of an ingenue; also: an actress playing such a role

What I mean is box-office hit or not, if you love a song, you love it no matter what. Have not watched this film though. Its because we our own personal taste and standard. Do not let other people decide on what you should like and what you should not like. They can suggest though.

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