Saturday, November 14, 2015

Post To Be

Good Afternoon Guys, this is a safety concern. I tell you about it later.

This is a temporary electrical post being used in the newly constructed building. The project is almost one hundred finished from the looks of it so they have to rush the requirements for the connection to the main electrical post. Ask the Electrical Engineers for better coordination.

As it is the temporary post is dangerous because of its proximity to people. How about people who cannot read? People can accidentally run into it. Its also a danger to animals. My suggestion is to put masonry blocks and chain link fence around it, from the the edges of the railing to the street gutter and two meters away from the remaining sides. You cannot compromise safety. If you gonna have safety regulations, you follow the international standard.

During the typhoon I heard a student has been electrocuted in a case like this. You do not want this to happen again.

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