Saturday, November 21, 2015

Coordination Meetings

Hi Folks, communication is a two-way thing so we do that through coordination meetings. Coordination is the people move as one towards a common goal. Say in driving and swimming, you need the proper eye, body, hand and feet coordination to advance. I want to learn how to swim, I guess its not too late to learn something new.

Meetings are universal so the attendees are the top dawgs. As it should be. In construction, we have the Manager's meeting and Subcontractor's meeting. The Manager's meeting is where the main contractor meets the owners, consultants, designers and architects to discuss the project activities, schedule and revisions. Then the main contractor conducts a separate sub-contractor's meeting. Subcontractors are your tradespeople who are owners and supervisors. You cannot be onion-skinned here because you are working on an important project with your peers. In short, you must deliver when you are being grilled.

The one who presides over these meetings and asks the questions is a chairman or a chairwoman. We are for gender equality. There is a secretary to write the happenings in the meetings. Meetings begin with the chairperson introducing the people. There is annoyance to late-comers so do not be late. After the introductions, we go to business. The chairperson has the topics outlined and proceeds to explain the project details and the questioning. What are the concerns? What are the resources you need? What is your timetable? Give me a date. It depends on the weight of the activity so the subcontractor can either answer right-away or be undecided so you give the subcontractor the time to think about it and agree on when you can give the answer as soon as possible. Because this is serious things we talk about. Do not forget the food and drinks. Then the meeting concludes when the topics and the concerns of subcontractors are discussed and documented. The next week is you are accountable for what you said in this meeting.


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