Sunday, November 8, 2015

Defense Mechanisms

Hello Guys, let us talk about how we defend ourselves from danger like the wire cage is for the tomato plants. For humans, we defend ourselves with martial arts and weapons. These can also be used in attacks so this is a offense-defense type. For women, their most effective defense mechanism is crying. I think there is nothing more debilitating than seeing a woman cry. For men, however, it is funny to see them cry. Come on.

It is why dogs bark - its a warning to not break the status quo or else the dog bites you or the dog runs away. If nothing else, when faced with an aggressive dog on the streets is you kneel down and pretend to pick up a stone. The dog having experienced being thrown things at them will run in self defense. On the whole, I think that dogs are helpless because they are trusting. Incidentally I met a five-month old Golden Retriever yesterday at the pet shop who was warm and inviting to strangers. Its name is Denmark.

This is so unlike the cats because cats have the ability of egress. When cats feel danger they disappear in the nooks and crannies of the house because they are small, agile and can jump. The thing with cats is that you keep them indoors cause they get lost outside the house. Their homing device is weaker than a dog's. If the cat finds an opening to go outside, they will go outside. That is how cats roll. I think Persian cats rather want to stay inside though.

I guess pets are offense-defense weapons because you meet new people this way. Like a rose has offense with its beauty and has thorns for self-defense.

My song interpretation is that Go West is a state of mind and because the composer is a Westerner, he is partial to the place he grew up. He doesn't know how is it in the East. I know the East because I am from the East. Anywhere life is peaceful, anywhere you can teach and learn, anywhere the air is free - that is your promised land.

What you teach and learn is good practices because there is no peacefulness in adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, hatred, variance, wrath, strife, seditions and the like. This would get you in jail you know.

The police and the military should be stricter.

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